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The Health Post has been built to National standards. It comprises an office and a treatment room with two beds. Grace manages the work, with a trained health care assistant.

The most common disease is malaria, which is often fatal in young children without treatment. Many people suffer malnutrition which aggravates other problems. Maternity, childcare and health education are also important activities.

Building underway

The Pilgrim team helped to build the new Health Post in February 2018

By September 2019 the Health Post was completed

Above, a small child rests in the shade after treatment for malaria. She recovered very quickly and was able to walk home.

On the right, Faith, Grace’s daughter who has recently completed her nurse training, examines and treats a young boy.

The roles of the Health Post Staff are to test, trace and treat patients - to screen complex ailments and refer patients to the nearest large Health Centre - to give Health Education as and when it is needed.

and the first patients arrived from the community.

Up and running

Here, Grace and Faith run a Health training session with some of the Pilgrim team, a member of the local Department of Health and two young trainee health care assistants.

In March 2023 a new Health Worker was employed to replace the original one who has left to be employed by the Government as a teacher.