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In May 2014, a ceremony took place where a foundation plinth was laid for the school. Many headmen came from the surrounding area to bless the school and its future.

Members of the community cooked nshima (maize porridge) for the evening meal.

In 2015, the school was constructed with clay dug from the riverside, made into bricks and wood fired in a kiln.

Local families carried out the work, including many young children who were desperate for the opportunity to attend school.


Mothers also carried the heavy bricks.


Initially one classroom was built, with one teacher. The children were very eager to start school for the first time on 10th June 2016! .

The children were given books for the first time. At first they weren’t quite sure how to open them.

The girl on the right was the only one we saw who had a special toy of her own.

Parents are also keen to learn basic literacy, so adult literacy classes are also being run at the school. Here are the first people to attend - before there were any desks!

Playing in the playground with new balls given by visitors from UK.

By 2019, about 80 children were enrolled at the school, desks had been purchased and a new teacher employed.

Pilgrim Community School football and netball teams at a tournament at the school in June 2019. The kits were donated by English clubs, mostly by those from the Premiership League.

first new teacher’s house - November 2022

As of March 2023 there are three teachers and two classrooms at Pilgrim School. The office space acts as a third classroom for the older children. The three teachers’ names are Barry Chisala, Roster Mwanje and Florence Mambwe.

May 23rd 2023 - a new circular classroom for pre-grade children is being constructed with local labour. It is being funded by ZOCS (Zambian Organisation for Community Schools), and when completed a dedicated playground just for the pre-grade children will be constructed next to it.

On 29th May 2023 children wait before school in their assembly area round the national flag with their teachers. They are awaiting for more children who have to walk very long distances each day to get to school.

school children playing games in the afternoon with the nearly complete pre-school classroom in the background - October 2023

There is now a thriving Parent Teachers’ Association at Pilgrim School. October 2023